Please provide the correct information for the contractor applicant or company. Please select your company name from the drop-down list or type it in (you cannot do both), the best phone number and email to contact the applicant that is providing this information, the address of the applicant or company, and an emergency contact name and phone number. If you have questions or need help filling out the application, please contact the Engineering Department at 705-759-5378.
Please provide the utility/property owners information if it applies. This information is not required.
Please provide the road occupancy location using the street name and number, then please use the calendar to provide the proper date range of road occupancy and the purpose of the work. In the event that the road occupancy is in front of more than one civic address, please use the closest address to the south/west limit of the project.
Please check the corresponding checkbox for the information you wish to provide, then enter the length and width in (m) of the road occupancy/construction, if any grass/lawn will be effected, and any other information that is needed. Also please fill out all other details of the work that will be done.
Please select what type of road closure there will be and then the date range it will be closed. If this does not apply please select N/A.
Please include any images or drawings of the project, and any insurance information. Use the 'Ctrl' key to add multiple files (10 file limit).